Game Modes in Kanchey
You may want to know about the various modes that the game will support. Well, here it is! Keep in mind that they are still under construction, and may not make it into the final game or may vary from what is described here.
Single Player - Sitting alone on a bus stop, at home or at school/work? No worries this mode is for perfecting your skills. Use your strategy and swiping skills to shoot the Kanchey (marbles) into the hole - while keeping your striker Kancha (marble) out of the hole. Do it in as less turns as possible to gain a better rating.
Local Multiplayer - Sitting with your friend or sibling and want to play Kanchey? Yup, this mode allows two people to play against each other on the same iPad. Take turns on the same iPad to see who wins this game of strategy and skill.
Online Multiplayer - Want to play with your near and dear ones, but they are not in the same place against you? Or do you feel you have the skills to defeat new opponents? You can play with your friends, as well as challenge strangers in the online mode. Similar to the local multiplayer, you and your opponent can play against each other on different iPads, while being in different places! The online mode requires you to be connected to the internet and a free Game Center account.
Excited yet? If not, keep watching this spot for new updates. In case you have any queries, feel free to leave a message using the contact page.